2023-06-30 10:11:15來源:勵普網
report controller
remote controller
Press a number on the remote control(1 - 4)to access that preset.
按遙控器上的一個數字(1-4)進入預置。The remote control doesn"t work.
遙控器壞了。Remote keyless entry system with panic feature
遙控器+防盜系統You can use the remote control.
你可以用遙控器。I operate the TV with the remote control.
我用遙控器操作電視機。I change the channel with the remote control.
我用遙控器轉換頻道。Verify that working batteries are inserted in the remote
檢查遙控器中是否裝有工作電池You can send a quick text message to your curtain remote control.
你可以立即向窗簾遙控器發送一條信息。Using the remote control,open the setup menu and the video submenu
用遙控器打開設置菜單和視頻子菜單For some games, the controller connects up via a cable to a second, smaller handset.
v. 報告,報道;記述;公布;告發,舉報
n. 報告,報道;成績報告單
confirmation of the report
傳聞的證實 His report and your report disagreed.
他的報告與你的報告不一致。The auditing report and the evaluation report shall be announced to the public.
n. 管理者;財務總管;控制器
control experiment
ph.1. 核對實驗(實證某一變數單獨對整個系統可能發生的影響) controlled dictation
聽寫測驗 control footing
adj. 遙遠的;偏僻的;疏遠的
n. 遠程
outside chance; remote possibility.
不大可能的機會;極小的可能性。 remote transfer system
遙距轉運系統 The connection to the remote computer was broken.
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