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觀眾用英語怎么說 觀眾的英文

2023-06-29 09:33:56來源:勵普網



The appreciative audience applauded.
有欣賞力的觀眾鼓了掌。The outstanding finale killed the audience.
引人注目的決賽征服了觀眾。The poorness of the play disappointed the audience.
這出劇的拙劣令觀眾失望了。He could mesmerize an audience by the sheer force of his presence.
他只要一出場,觀眾就為之傾倒。The audience jollyed the singer up by clapping their hands
觀眾用掌聲給那位歌手鼓勁。It impressed the audience with unbeatable harmony and elegance.
它使觀眾感到無比的和諧與優雅。The auditory knew him for the performance.
觀眾由這場表演而認識了他。blaxploitation movies;the blaxploitation genre.
吸引黑人觀眾的電影;黑人感興趣的體裁The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting the price of tickets.
劇院設法通過降低票價增加了觀眾。Prime time( in broadcasting)time when the highest number of people are watching or listening
n. 觀眾,目擊者,旁觀者

A crush of spectators.
極度擁擠的觀眾 The game drew thousands of spectators.
這場比賽吸引了數千名觀眾。 The game drew thousands of spectators.
n. 觀眾,聽眾;讀者;擁護者

move an audience
使觀眾/聽眾感動 The audience was mesmerized.
聽眾被吸引住了。The celebrated violinist was mobbed by the audience.

相關內容: 觀眾用英語怎么說 勵普網


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