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答案的英文怎么說 答案的英文

2023-06-02 09:28:46來源:勵普網



Solution to;answer to
.答案Elicit a reply
誘出答案an apt answer
適當的答案The answer is the affirmative .
答案是肯定的。The answer came pat.
答案馬上出來了。I rack my brain trying to remember the answer.
我絞盡腦汁想答案。grope for an answer.
搜尋一個答案The clerk at the reception desk did not allow the dog to enter the hotel.
推薦答案服務臺的職員不允許狗進入旅館。 NASA"s Mars Global Surveyor, currently in orbit about the Red Planet, is finally providing some final answers.
最近環繞這顆紅色行星軌道運行的NASA的全球監測機構最終提供了一些可靠的答案。 Geneen seemed to have an automatic sensor which told him when he was getting flaky answers

n. 回答,應答,答覆
v. 回答;答復

a guarded answer
謹慎的回答 Answer the following questions by choosing the best answer.
選擇最佳答案,回答下列問題。I want a specific answer.
我想要一個明確的回答。A few words would answer.
少數信息應該滿足。 You"ll have to answer for the consequence.

n. 解答;解決方案;溶液;溶解

It is an easy solution, but not the correct solution.
這是一個容易的方法,但不是正確的方法。 Relating to or designating a solution that contains one mole of solute per liter of solution.
摩爾的有關或指定一種溶液,其每升溶液包含有一摩爾溶質。In some cases the solute can associate in solution.
在某些情況下,溶液中的溶質可以互相結合。They developed an intelligent solution to this problem.
針對這個問題,他們采用了非常聰明的解決方法。This was not a problem with an easy solution.

相關內容: 答案的英文怎么說 勵普網


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