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跳舞的英文怎么說 參考例句

2023-06-02 09:31:18來源:勵普網



Wanna dance?
想跳舞嗎You dance divinely.
你跳舞跳得棒極了。It is a fitting evening for a dance.
這是個適合于跳舞的夜晚。"Dancing is a good way to keep fit,"" Xu said."
"許嬋說:""跳舞是保持健康的好辦法。"In earlier days, the church proscribed dancing and card playing
從前,教會禁止跳舞和玩牌。They danced at the Embassy to the music of a piano
他們在大使館和著鋼琴音樂跳舞。They danced at the Embassy to the music of a piano.
他們在大使館和著鋼琴的音樂跳舞。For, of all exercise, that of dancing, he termed a voluntary and regular fit of distraction.
因為在一切娛樂中,他把跳舞稱為神經錯亂的定期發作。When the Pianist Zombie arrives, the music of the game changes. He also causes other zombies to dance and change lanes.
當鋼琴家僵尸出現時,游戲音樂會改變,并且他能使其他僵尸跳舞變換前進路線。Captain Joyce, the American naval attache, a jolly Irishman with a knowing eye, asked Pamela to dance

v. 跳舞,使跳舞;舞蹈;跳躍;跳動;使上下擺動
n. 舞,舞蹈;跳舞;舞蹈演出;舞會,舞曲;搖晃
adj. 舞的,舞蹈的;用于跳舞的

Dancing in the plaza?
在廣場跳? The dancing is fab.
舞跳得太棒了。You may dance with whomever you like at the dancing party.
舞會上你想跟誰跳舞就跟誰跳。Had no ambition to go dancing.
沒有精力去跳舞了 If you dance you must pay the fiddler

相關內容: 跳舞的英文怎么說 勵普網


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