2023-06-28 09:55:39來源:勵普網
The beacon does not shine on its own base.
燈塔照不到自己的底座。An undercarriage or stand on which a device rests while in service.
底座在使用時將設備固定在其上的底座或支撐物A feed screw extends from the base to the knee.
進給絲杠從底座伸向升降臺。 Is it theresilient base mount type?
這就是彈性底座安裝式 ?The frame or chassis on which panels of electrical equipment may be mounted
可安裝電氣設備板的框架或底座。The lathe should be set on a firm base.
車床應安裝在堅實的底座上。To remove from a support, setting, or mounting.
從支撐物、底板、底座取下、卸下。Clean and wipe dry vanity basin making sure to clean around the base of the taps.
清洗并擦干手盆,注意清潔水龍頭底座周圍。Infinitly edge pool, spa, and terrace create a setting for the pool house.
無邊池、摩池和平臺形成了更衣室的底座。 She liked the diamond itself but not the setting.
n. 床,睡眠處;睡覺;(海、河、湖等的)底部;苗床
v. 把...安置在;為…提供住宿(床位);睡,臥
Procrustean bed
逼人就范之物Bed rest is more like bed agony.
上床睡覺好象是種苦惱。It has bedded into the deepest crevices of the store.
它已鉆進了店里最隱避的隙縫。 change a bed;change the baby.
換床單;給嬰兒換尿布 She is in bed with an awful cold.
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