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委員會的英文怎么說 委員會的英文

2023-05-29 11:09:11來源:勵普網



National Committee of the Chinese People"s Political consultative Conference (CPPCC)
中國政治協商會議委員會Sealing Commission for the North-East Atlantic
東北大西洋海豹捕獵委員會 The chairman"s veto was overridden by the committee.
主席的否決被委員會推翻了。The Committee shall reach its decisions by consensus
委員會應經協商一致作出決定。Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
南部藍鰭金槍魚養護委員會 He refused to pass any comment on the committee"s decision.
他不肯對委員會的決定作任何評論。China Banking Regulatory Commission No. 4 Order
中國銀行業監督管理委員會第4號令He is the most sagacious member of the committee.
他是委員會里最富洞察力的成員。The proposal was held in derision by members of the board.
這項決議受到委員會成員們的嘲笑.The land purchased by the offender be transferred to the Authority or to such person as the Authority may nominate.

n. 委員會

committal in civil proceedings
民事訴訟中的拘押 describes a committable transaction
描述可提交的事務。At the committal proceedings the police withdrew their case.
警方在轉交訴訟程序中撤銷了案件.Warrant of Commitment to Place of Detention [committal on conviction]
交付拘留地方手令〔定罪后交付羈押〕 A child is considered legally incapable of committ a crime.

相關內容: 委員會的英文怎么說 勵普網


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