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道具的英文怎么說 道具的英文

2023-06-15 09:54:06來源:勵普網



A theatrical property.
道具劇院的財產Continuity is ensured by using the same props in successive scenes.
在連續的場景中使用同樣的道具以確保前后銜接。Another 52 cases of props, costumes and computer gear was airfreighted in
同時還空運去了另外52箱道具、服裝和電腦設備。The fire dragon is made with candles put into each section of the dragon body.
火龍:是在每節道具內燃燭The rules of the game just wire two palyer"s foot together with tools .
游戲規則是把兩個隊員的腳用道具連起來。He is responsible for all the stage properties and lighting.
他負責全部舞臺道具和燈光。The sets, props and costumes were all ready.
布景、道具和服裝都已準備齊全。Crew of workers who move scenery or handle properties in a theatrical production.
在一部戲劇性作品中移動布景或操控道具的一組工作人員。 I"m a member of the stage crew in charge of properties.
我是負責掌管道具的舞臺職員中的成員。I need a standard magical apparatus for escapes.

n. 場面,現場;情景,景象;(戲劇的)一場;景色,風景;事件

You were at the scene!
你當時就在現場!There is no distant transmitter to telecast the scene.
沒有遠距離發射機傳送景象。The scene or setting, as of a novel.
場景一部分小說的場面或布景 The scene is set for the drama.
戲劇的布景已經裝好。 This scene was cut from the film.

相關內容: 道具的英文怎么說 勵普網


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