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越來越好的英文怎么說 英文例句

2023-02-03 09:12:44來源:勵普網

隨著社會越來越發達,大家都選擇在網絡上汲取相關知識內容,比如越來越好的英文怎么說 英文例句,為了更好的解答大家的問題,小編也是翻閱整理了相應內容,下面就一起來看一下吧!



  越來越好[yuè lái yuè hǎo]


  become better and better ; become better with each passing day ; better and better; on the up-and-up ; up-and-up網 絡It Gets Better;getting better;ylyh;Keep getting better



  I'm now slowly getting on better with the manager.

  1. I can see things just going onwards and upwards for us now. 我認為從現在起我們的境況只會越來越

  2. From here on, it can only get better. 從此,情況只會越來越

  3. The life is becoming better and better. 光景越來越 .


  4. I went and had a good dinner, feeling better all the time. 我去吃了一頓豐盛的晚餐, 心情越來越 .

  5. The lives of ordinary people are getting better and better. 老百姓的日子越來越 了.

  6. Haha ~~! Miss him very much! And hope he will be better and better there. 哈哈 ~! 很想念他,希望他能越來越 .

  7. Keep reading, and your English will be better and better. 堅持閱讀, 你的英語會越來越 .

  8. Now is it just me, or are chemists getting increasingly nosey? 究竟是我還是藥劑師變得越來越 管閑事了?

  9. Be of good cheer! Things get better and better. 振作起來! 情況變得越來越 啦.

  10. As young Greeley's skill grew, better jobs came his way. 隨著他的技術水平的不斷提高, 他找到的工作也越來越 .

  11. Every day and every aspect, I am better and better. 每一天,每一個方面, 我都越來越 !

  12. The business grew and I quit P & G a few years later. 生意越來越 ,幾年之后我辭去了 寶潔 的工作.

  13. The first win is very important and we will only and better. 首勝很重要而且我們只會越來越 .

  14. It's early days but it's going well so far. 現在還是個開始階段,不過會越來越 的.

  15. Under these guidelines, ELE MFG Corp. will become better and better. 在此指導下, 益而益電器一定會越來越 ,越來越 高.

  16. Like fine wine, Konvicted proves that Akon only gets better with time. 就像 酒一般, [寞有罪]明了阿肯的音樂只會越來越 .

  17. It's better, it's getting better, and it's going to be alright. 越來越 , 越來越 , 而且真的是越來越 .

  18. Since his operation, father has been on the up - and - up. 父親手術之后情況越來越 .

  19. And in these areas, GM is doing increasingly well. 在這些地區, 通用汽車做的越來越 .

  20. The overall economic environment in Shenyang is increasingly good. 第一,沈陽總體經濟環境越來越 .



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