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團隊精神用英語怎么說 團隊精神的英語例句

2022-12-21 09:56:12來源:勵普網

在生活中,很多人都不知道團隊精神用英語怎么說 團隊精神的英語例句是什么意思,其實他的意思是非常簡單的,下面就是小編搜索到的團隊精神用英語怎么說 團隊精神的英語例句相關的一些知識,我們一起來學習下吧!




  group spirit


  team spirit


  培養團隊精神 CultivatingTeamworkSpirit

  學習團隊精神 learn team spirit

  強烈的團隊精神 Strong teamworker

  注意團隊精神 pay attention to teamwork


  1. He managed to imbue his employees with team spirit.


  2. The boss was a firm believer in developing strong teamwork.


  3. There is a great sense of team spirit among the British Olympic squad.


  4. I think it would be building team spirit among my co - workers.


  5. Emphasis on teamwork, good communication and coordination ability and organizational capacity.

  注重團隊精神, 有良好的溝通協調能力與組織能力.

  6. They have good group mind, reach consensus easily with other.

  他們有良好的團隊精神, 輕易與他人達成共識.

  7. Progress: Explore voluntarily, be aggressive, to learn and explore with team spirit.

  二 、 進取: 主動探索、努力進取, 以合作的團隊精神學習探究.

  8. Field working patiently and has strong team work spirit.


  9. It was a side high on ego but low on team spirit.


  10. Looks for and embraces challenges and is a strong team builder.


  11. HOOP Architectural Design Consultant INC. is always stressing the spirit of team.


  12. Enthusiastic, team spirit, initiative, positive and good sense of service.

  熱情, 有團隊精神, 主動, 積極并對服務有良好的認識.

  13. Besides, I am a team player and have great interpersonal skills.


  14. With team spirit, a company is efficient and systematic organization.


  15. Good teamwork and communication skills, strong design review and problem solving - ability.

  良好的團隊精神和溝通能力, 較強設計審核和解決問題能力.

相關內容: 團隊精神 英語 怎么 團隊精神 大局 意識 協作 精神 服務


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