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冬瓜的英語怎么說 冬瓜的英語例句

2022-12-19 10:15:48來源:勵普網

最近小編看到大家都在討論冬瓜的英語怎么說 冬瓜的英語例句相關的事情,對此呢小編也是非常的感應興趣,那么這件事究竟是怎么發生的呢?具體又是怎么回事呢?下面就是小編搜索到的關于冬瓜的英語怎么說 冬瓜的英語例句事件的相關信息,我們一起來看一下吧!


  漢語解釋:冬瓜(學名:Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.)葫蘆科,冬瓜屬一年生蔓生或架生草本,莖被黃褐色硬毛及長柔毛,有棱溝,葉柄粗壯,被粗硬毛和長柔毛,雌雄同株,花單生,果實長圓柱狀或近球狀。那么,你知道冬瓜的英語怎么說嗎?

  中文: 冬瓜

  冬瓜的英語: Benincasa hispida; wax gourd; white gourd (葫蘆科一年生植物, 果實作蔬菜, 皮、子入中藥); Chinese watermelon ;



  The winter melon balls are then steamed for four minutes.


  A white gourd is rich in pulp.



  The microbe quantity in the drought white gourd forest was the most abundant.


  Today's special soup is sliced ham and winter melon soup.


  It is Chicken and wax gourd curry or "gaeng khua fak gub gai" in Thai.


  She's cute, but she is a shrimp.


  fired Japanese steamed egg tomato chinese watermelon and sea food soup

  1. I like white gourds, but not pumpkins. 我喜歡吃冬瓜, 但不喜歡吃南瓜.

  2. Gump: flavour, wax gourd, micro cold water, the alexipharmic function clearingsitting. 冬瓜: 味甘淡 、 性微寒,功效清熱利水, 解毒生津.

  3. Ingredients: wax gourd, glucose syrup, refined vegetable oil, flavor ( salt,spices, HVP, natural essential oil ), antioxidant. 配料: 冬瓜 、 葡萄糖漿 、 精煉植物油 、 調味料 ( 精鹽 、 香辛料 、 水解植物蛋白 、 天然植物精油 ) 、 抗氧化劑.

  4. Cut the wax - gourd sugar and fat meat into small pieces. 將內餡材料的冬瓜糖、肥豬肉切丁.

  5. Zhong Babao wax gourd soup is a fresh season. 八寶冬瓜盅是夏令一種湯食.

  6. Fig . 1 . Symptoms of Fusarium wilt of wax gourd at a field. 圖一、冬瓜萎凋病在田間的病徵.

  7. Products: Sweet potato, white gourd, Chinese cabbage, persimmon, tomato,towel gourd, soybean. 主要產品: 馬鈴薯 、 冬瓜 、 大白菜 、 小方柿、甜椒 、 西紅柿 、 絲瓜 、 大豆.

  8. Dongguashan copper mine has such characteristics as high stress ( 30~38MPa ) and rockburst possibility. 冬瓜山銅礦深井具有高應力 ( 30~38MPa)、存在巖爆傾向的特點.

  9. As to wax gourd containers broth, it was this name. 以冬瓜作為容器燉湯, 故得此名.

  10. She likes the taste of waxground handleless cups very much. 她很喜歡冬瓜盅子的味道.

  11. Is wax gourd water content high? 冬瓜含水量高 么 ?

  12. She's cute, but she is a shrimp. 她很可愛, 不過是個矮冬瓜.

  13. Products: Shrimp sauce white - gourd sauce, chilli oil. 主要產品: 麻蝦醬、冬瓜醬油 、 辣油.

  14. Wax gourd juice into the face, is complete. 將汁倒進冬瓜面, 就完成了.

  15. Slow cooked chicken soup made with real chicken broth, winter melon, freshbamboo shoots, and meat. 以雞湯做湯底煲出冬瓜的清甜, 幼筍的鮮嫩夾帶淡淡的花椒與臘腸味,清爽解膩齒頰留香,是四川道地的家鄉菜.

  16. There are two forms of calcium oxalate crystals in Idesia polyc - arpa var.vestila Diels, prisms and druses. 水冬瓜(Idesiapolycarpavar. vestitaDiels)體內草酸鈣結晶有晶簇和棱晶兩種.

  17. Wax gourd is acidity alkalescent still, what nutrition value and side effect are there? 冬瓜是酸性還是堿性, 有什么營養價值和副作用?

  18. Broth: mainly boiled vegetables, such as: cabbage soup, gourd soup, wintermelon soup, and so on. 清湯: 以瓜菜為主煮成的, 如: 白菜湯 、 絲瓜湯 、 冬瓜湯等.

  19. She makes fun ground to say, what she sell is the wax gourd with milk flavor. 她打趣地說, 她賣的是有奶味的冬瓜.

  20. First soaking the wax gourd and scallop pot on the soft boiled together. 先將冬瓜和浸過的干貝放在鍋內一起煮軟.

相關內容: 冬瓜的英語


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