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微笑用英文怎么說 微笑的英語例句

2022-12-01 16:05:24來源:勵普網

在生活中,很多人都不知道微笑用英文怎么說 微笑的英語例句是什么意思,其實他的意思是非常簡單的,下面就是小編搜索到的微笑用英文怎么說 微笑的英語例句相關的一些知識,我們一起來學習下吧!





  beam on


  微笑列車 Smile Train ;

  微笑快門 Smile Shutter ; Smile Shot

  微笑媽媽 smile mum

  微笑面食 Smiling Pasta

  學著微笑 Learn To Smile


  1. The best thing to do when entering unknown territory is smile.


  2. I found myself smiling back instinc-tively when our eyes met.


  3. The maid looked at him, a nervous smile on her face.


  4. He has clear blue eyes and a dazzling smile.


  5. He smiles and swirls the ice ruminatively around his almost empty glass.


  6. The girls watched, little teasing smiles animating their faces.


  7. Relax, smile; loosen up in mind and body and behaviour.


  8. A small, unobtrusive smile curved the cook"s thin lips.


  9. I smiled warmly so he wouldn"t see my nervousness.


  10. He opened the gate and smilingly welcomed the travellers home.


  11. A faint smile crossed the Monsignor"s face and faded quickly.


  12. A faint smile of reminiscence appeared on her face..


  13. Smiling for the cameras, the two men strained to make small- talk.


  14. He is entranced by the kindness of her smile.


  15. Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to relieve tension and stress.



  Smile - it could save your life

  It is said that happiness is contagious. The supporting evidence is everywhere: from the streets of Rio during Carnival to more obscure celebrations elsewhere in the world. But long-term happiness may also be healthy. New York researcher Dr.Karina Davidson certainly thinks so. Dr. Davidson is a lead researcher in a 10-year study of more than 1,700 healthy men and women. The study revealed that people who are happy and content with their lives are 22% less likely than unhappy people to have a heart attack or suffer from symptoms of heart disease.

  有人說,笑是可以傳染的,到處都有證據支持這一點:從里約嘉年華的街頭到世界各地其他慶祝活動。但是長期的快樂或許也對健康有益。紐約研究人員Karina Davidson博士非常確信這一點。Davidson博士領導研究人員對1700多名健康男女進行了為期十年的調查。調查披露,快樂和對生活滿足的人比不快樂的人患心臟病的幾率低22%。

  We know that there is a direct physiological impact on the body of experiencing happiness or satisfaction or enjoyment. So, when you sit and watch a movie, say, or read a book that you really enjoy, your stress hormones go down and something cultural barrier reflex system is actually up regulated. We know an animal study said those things across time actually protect the heart.


  The observational study is the first to show an independent relationship between positive emotions and coronary heart disease. But Dr. Davidson stresses that more work and clinical trials are needed before any treatment recommendations can be made. She says, though, that the study is the first step in providing doctors better insight and how to interact with their patients.


  I think this may eventually shift healthcare providers to thinking about how we can help patients make sure that the things that make them happy stay in their routine. Because that is protective of your mental health for sure and this is one of the first studies to show it may also protect your physical health.


  Heart disease is the leading killer of men and women in most industrialized countries. Dr. Davidson says she hopes her report will shine a light on a new approach for prevention.


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