發布時間:2022-10-26 16:37:19來源:勵普網
擁有權 possessory title
擁有成本 total cost of ownership
擁有布局 have layout
擁有搖把 Tremolo Bar
國家擁有 ge guo jia yong you
未擁有 Have Not
桌子擁有 A table with
誰擁有 who have
1. Remember, happiness doesn"t depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.--Dale Carnegie
2. Very likely he"d told them he had American business interests.
3. He is always eager for new experiences and ever-willing to experiment.
4. America has enough firepower in the area to mount sustained air strikes.
5. The crowd moved indoors for what were deemed the most desirable items.
6. This small country has an amazing variety of landforms.
7. The European Builders Confederation has a membership of over 350,000 building companies.
8. This figure has long been held to possess miraculous power.
9. Say"s writings reached a wide audience during his lifetime.
10. She still ached for the lost intimacy and sexual contact of marriage.
11. She had that inbred politeness, it was a part of her.
12. She was surely the most distinguished queen consort we have had.
13. They must prove they own £250,000 of realisable assets.
14. Susan"s idea of freedom was to have variety in her life style.
15. People with disabilities have got a vote as well, you know.
She owns a house at the seaside.
The yeoman could never own and work on their land after the movement.
He possesses a huge house on the hillside.
He possesses a lot of immovable real property.
It"s too much of an expense for me to own a car.
It"s a civic pride to have a champion.
Jointly owned assets do not form part of your estate when you die.
You cannot usually have endless amounts of both guns and butter.
The things you own end up owning you.
1. enjoy:很多同學對這個單詞的第一反應就是“享受”、“喜愛”,其實還有“享有”的含義,就是“樂于擁有”。比客觀的“have”有著更多的感情色彩。比如:
1)蘋果公司有很好的聲譽(Apple Inc. enjoys a good reputation.)
2)他們很幸運能有這么廉潔的政府(They are very lucky to enjoy such a clean government.)
2. possess (possession):這個單詞表示“具備”、“擁有”,跟隨其后的賓語傾向于是“財物”、“特征”、“技能”、“信念”等等,幾乎可以和“have”互換。比如:
1)他有大量不動產(He possesses a great deal of real estate. );
2)黑猩猩有很多人類的特征(Chimpanzee possess quite a few characteristics of human beings.);
3)我對我所做的事情有強烈的信念(I possess a strong belief in what I do. )
4)possession(活用成名詞),比如:A characteristic of a happy life is the possession of friendship. 幸福人生的一個特點是擁有友誼。
3. own :這個單詞更多地表示“擁有”,宣示一種所有權。比如:
1)我擁有一輛車/一套公寓/一份生意(I own a car/apartment/business. )
2)ownership(活用成名詞):the high rate of ownership is responsible for the traffic congestion.
4. boast of...:boast這個單詞大家容易以偏概全,把它理解成為“吹噓、炫耀”的貶義詞。但在特定語境之夏,其實它有“以有...而自豪”這樣的正面含義。比如:
1)這個小村莊有如畫的美景。(This small village boasts of picturesque scenery. )
2)很多豪華游輪有名廚、管弦樂隊和大量服務人員。(Many luxury cruises boast of famous chef, orchestras, a large numberofmaids and butlers to serve their passengers. )
5. be blessed with、be endowed with、be gifted with、be born with:這四個詞組都表示“天賦異稟”的含義,就是“有”一種特別好的東西或能力。比如:
1)他天生有副好嗓子。(He is blessed with a good voice.)
2)姚明的身高是天賦。(Yao ming is endowed with a giant frame.)
3)他天生有一種能和動物對話的能力。(He is gifted with a skill to talk to animals.)
4)每一個人都天生具備與別人競爭的能力。(Every one of us is born with the ability to compete with others. )
更多培訓課程: 鄭州個人提升英語 更多學校信息: 勵普教育在線培訓 咨詢電話:400-0929-859
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