全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
位置:勵普教育 > 英語>個人提升英語> 聯系電話英語怎么說 聯系電話的英語例句  正文

聯系電話英語怎么說 聯系電話的英語例句

發布時間:2022-09-02 16:59:54來源:勵普網




  [名]contact number


  1. Set District to ask where there are a number of train tickets?

  請問塘沽區定火車票的地方有幾個? 最好告知位置和聯系電話,謝謝!

  2. You can assign the different video to particular contact form phone book!


  3. Always leave a contact number and an address just in case.


  4. Telephone numbers for emergency out of hour contact should be displayed.


  5. And I want to know the phone number of great - aunt and uncle.


  6. Now gives according to thedocument request my guarantor"s telephone facsimile you.


  7. The selected contacts photo and phone number appear when the phone rings.


  8. They did not have the specific address or telephone contact ah?


  9. Johnson, my contact number is 28765432 . My office number is 2134567.

  我叫約翰遜, 我的聯系電話是28765432,而公司緇昂怕朧?1234567.

  10. Johnson, and my contact number is 28765432 . My office number is 2134567.

  我叫約翰遜, 我的聯系電話是 28765432,而公司電話號碼是21234567.

  11. Johnson, and my contact number is 28765432 . My office number is 21234567.

  我叫約翰遜, 我的聯系電話是 28765432,公司電話號碼是21234567.

  12. I need you address and date time phone.


  13. Cars arewanted for cash . Contact Smith . Call 246 - 3135 .

  現金收購汽車,請與史密斯聯系,電話號碼 246-3135.

  14. DIANE And your contact number?


  15. The product catalog has the number of our business development staff on every page.


  contact number的雙語例句

  1. And if you give us a contact number, we will get back to you.

  如果你給我們一個聯系號碼, 我們會回覆的.

  2. Always leave a contact number and an address just in case.


  3. A Do you have a contact number? What"s your mobile number?

  A你有聯系號碼 嗎 ?你的手機號碼是 多少 ?

  4. Do you a contact number ? What"s your mobile number?

  你有聯系方式 嗎 ?你的手機號碼是 多少 ?

  5. Do you have a contact number that I can phone you at?

  你有個我能找到你的聯絡電話 嗎 ?

  6. Johnson, my contact number is 28765432 . My office number is 2134567.

  我叫約翰遜, 我的聯系電話是28765432,而公司緇昂怕朧?1234567.

  7. Johnson, and my contact number is 28765432 . My office number is 2134567.

  我叫約翰遜, 我的聯系電話是 28765432,而公司電話號碼是21234567.

  8. Johnson, and my contact number is 28765432 . My office number is 21234567.

  我叫約翰遜, 我的聯系電話是 28765432,公司電話號碼是21234567.

  9. May I have your name and contact number Sir?


  10. Do you have a contact number?

  你有聯系號碼 嗎 ?

  11. May I have your contact number , please?


  12. May I have your name contact number, Sir?


  13. DIANE And your contact number?


  14. Personal information includes name, school, contact number, address and YFS ID ( if any ).

  個人資料包括:姓名 、 學校 、 聯絡方法 、 地址、會員編號 ( 如有 ).

  15. For further information contact the number below.


更多培訓課程: 鄭州個人提升英語 更多學校信息: 勵普教育在線培訓 咨詢電話:


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