全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
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發布時間:2022-07-01 16:35:36來源:勵普網


歌曲介紹:《Brother Louie》是由音樂組合Modern Talking演唱的一首歌曲,因歌曲動聽,曾被多種語言翻唱過,其中《路燈下的小姑娘》版廣為流傳,讓這首歌被更多人熟知。

  Deep love is a burning fire Stay, 深愛是那持續燃燒之火

  cause then the flames grow higher Babe, 越來越高越來越旺

  don't let him steal your heart 不要任他偷走你的心

  It's easy, easy 很簡單的

  Girl, this game can't last forever Why,這場游戲不能永遠繼續,為什么?

  we cannot live together? try 我們不能生活在一起嗎?可以嘗試

  don't let him take your love from me不要任他將你的愛帶離我身邊

  You're not good, can't you see你不應該這樣,難道沒看見嗎

  Brother Louie, Louie, Louie我的兄弟路易

  I'm in love - set you free我墜入愛河,許你自由

  Oh, she's only looking to me她的眼睛只看向我

  Only love breaks her heart唯愛能輕易擊碎她的心理

  Brother Louie, Louie, Louie路易兄弟

  Only love's paradise只有愛是天堂

  Oh, she's only looking to me她的眼睛直看向我

  Brother Louie, Louie, Louie路易兄弟

  Oh, she's only looking to me她的眼睛直看向我

  Oh, let it Louie放手吧路易

  She is undercover那是她心底的愿望

  Brother Louie, Louie, Louie路易兄弟

  Oh, doing what he's doing做他該做的

  So, leave it Louie所以,放手吧路易

  Cause I'm her lover因為我才是她的愛人

  Stay, 'cause this boy wants to gamble Stay,堅持,這個男孩想冒險留下

  love is more than he can handle Girl,愛令他難以自拔

  oh ,come on, stay by me forever, ever來吧,永遠伴隨我

  Why does he go on pretending That為什么他要繼續偽裝成那樣

  his love is never ending Babe,他的愛無盡

  don't let him steal your love from me

  You're not good, can't you see

  Brother Louie, Louie, Louie

  I'm in love - set you free

  Oh, she's only looking to me

  Only love breaks her heart

  Brother Louie, Louie, Louie

  Only love's paradise

  Oh, she's only looking to me

  Brother Louie, Louie, Louie

  Oh, she's only looking to me

  Oh, let it Louie

  She is undercover

  Brother Louie, Louie, Louie

  Oh, doing what he's doing

  So, leave it Louie

  Cause I'm her lover

  Brother Louie, Louie, Louie

  Oh, she's only looking to me

  Oh, let it Louie

  She is undercover

  Brother Louie, Louie, Louie

  Oh, doing what he's doing

  So, leave it Louie

  Cause I'm her lover[2]

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