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位置:勵普教育 > 英語>個人提升英語> loser是什么意思_loser意思  正文


發布時間:2022-06-20 10:35:06來源:勵普網











英 ["lu?z?(r)]     美 ["lu?z?r]



The loser sat slumped in dejection.


He is a born loser.


Disappointment was writ large on the face of the loser.


I found a wallet at the bus stop and then tried to look for the loser.


You are a very bad loser Lou, aren"t you? 盧,你這人輸不起,不是嗎?

It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser 發現自己的投注對象輸了是一件讓人心煩的事。

The referee"s decision was contested by the loser 負方對裁判的裁決有異議。

I"m sure the prime minister will turn out to be a good loser 我相信首相會是個輸得起的人。

They"ve only been trained to compete with other men, so a successful woman can make them feel like a real loser 他們只被教過要和其他男人一較高下,所以一個成功的女人會令他們覺得特別失敗。

The loser"s scorn for the award is pure sour grape 失敗者對獎品的輕視純粹是吃不到葡萄說葡萄酸。

You shall not be the loser by it 我不會讓你因此而蒙受損失。

The loser congratulated the winner of the race 輸者向比賽的優勝者祝賀。

The loser sat slumped in dejection 失敗者垂頭喪氣地坐著,全身癱軟。

He was a sore loser 他是一個輸不起的人。

Our team was the loser by five points 我隊以五分之差敗北。

I found a wallet at the bus stop and then tried to look for the loser 我在公共汽車站拾到一個錢包后,便設法尋找失主。

He always gets annoyed when I beat him at cards; he"s a bad loser 每當我打牌贏了他時,他總是很生氣, 他是個輸不起的人。

The hardest thing to learn is to be a good loser 最難學的一點是做一個輸的起的人。

I think the Board has backed a loser there 我認為董事會決定投資的將是一項銷路不好的產品。

As well, he earned a two - picture and filmed 2000"s and Girls and Loser tofulfill it 同時, 他還贏得了兩部電影的機會,來拍攝了2000年度的《少男少女》(BoysandGirls)和《戇直少男》(Loser)。

If I do the math, that makes me the biggest lottery loser in the room 如果我沒算錯, 我是這房間里最失敗的抽獎者。

John : Hey , How about the loser also buying John a doublecone? 嘿, 數的人也請約翰吃一個冰激凌甜筒怎么樣?

We are the chanpions of the world, no loser 我們是這個世界的冠軍, 沒有失敗者。

The loser of the game has to buy dinner for everybody 比賽輸的人要請大家吃飯。



★ loser都有什么意思

★ loser是什么意思

★ i am a loser是什么意思

★ 英語俚語俗語短語

★ loser音譯歌詞中文 loser在線試聽下載

★ 英國日常見面招呼用語

★ Loser才跟爛事折騰

★ Bigbang新專輯MADE勵志音樂《LOSER》中文歌詞

★ 英語打招呼用語對話

★ 中考勵志文章:Loser才跟爛事折騰

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