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clever的反義詞和例句 clever的英語例句

發布時間:2022-06-18 10:43:03來源:勵普網




  stupid foolish clumsy dull awkward cumbersome


  What a stupid idiot!


  I think he was born stupid.


  The woman is proverbially stupid.


  It was stupid of you to get involved.


  He was inarticulate and stupid in thought.


  This stupid car won't start.


  What a stupid prick you are!


  Please don't bother me with your stupid questions.


  I didn't like his stupid party.




  It's a clever speech, but there was no real meat in it.


  He's so clever, he makes me feel inferior.


  Mr. Jones is a clever carpenter.


  He is clever at arithmetic.


  She is a bright [clever] girl. 她是一個聰明的女孩。

  The clever boy jumped the fifth grade in school. 那個聰明的男孩跳過了小學五年級。

  That book has a good plot and much clever dialogue. 這本書的情節引人入勝,并有許多巧妙的對白。

  He's clever but won't succeed because he lacks drive. 他雖然聰明,但不會成功,因為他缺乏進取心。

  She seems an unusually clever girl. 她看起來像是一個異常聰明的姑娘。

  One of them suggests duplicating the clever people. 他們中的一個建議復制聰明的人。

  And he continued to be clever all his life. 在他的生活中他也一如既往的聰明。

  Then we have those who are neither clever, wanting to convey to us how muchthey know, nor wise. 然后還有一種人,他們既不聰明,也缺乏智慧,總想向我們傳達他們知道有多少。

  So you can imagine doing some very clever things with these. 你可以想象一下在這兒,做一些非常聰明的事兒。

  But many more people were there just to see the clever creations performgymnastics and some stylish dance moves. 但是更多的人只是去那里觀看這些聰明的創作品表演體操和一些時髦的舞步。

  Which will he be, clever or weak? 關于他,到底是聰明還是軟弱?

  If you have a gap in your resume, work on clever ways to describe it. 如果你和你的簡歷中描述的有一定的差距,用聰明的方式描述它。

  But how do these clever kitties convince us to do their bidding? 但這些聰明的貓咪們是如何說服我們順從它們的要求的呢?

  The "clever" solution is, in fact, no solution at all. “聰明的”解決方案實際上是根本沒有解決方案。

  Another advantage is that you can hide some pretty major repair work with aclever lick of paint. 噴漆的另一個優點是,你可以巧妙地用少許油漆隱藏一些非常重大的維修工作。

  When I asked him why, he said his family could not afford to send more than onechild and decided he was the most clever. 當我問他原因時,他跟我說他家當時只能供得起一個孩子上大學,因為他是最聰明的,所以就供他去上了。

  We have this clever illusion that the world is a knowable place. 我們有這種聰明的幻覺,就是世界是個可認知的地方。

  Her favourite food is fish, so she is clever. 她最喜歡的食物是魚,所以她很聰明。

  By the time they are 26 weeks old, some have flunked, but the clever onesamong them are experts. 等到26周大的時候,它們有些已經可以畢業了,但是他們之中只有比較聰明的才能成為“專家”。

  So they let her stay, and she was a clever little thing. 于是他們把她留下來,她是一個聰明的小東西。

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