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導師用英文怎么說 導師的英文

2023-08-02 11:05:35來源:勵普網



Bald he was and a millionaire, maestro di color che sanno.
他歇了頂,又是一位百萬富翁。有學識者的導師。The Ph.D. candidate has presumably discussed the area of his research with his supervisor.
這個博士研究生被認為已經和他的導師討論過研究領域了。As for rant and rhetoric, they could enter easily into any contest with their Latin preceptor.
至于激昂慷慨的長篇演說和浮夸的講話,他們是可能樂于同他們的拉丁導師進行任何較量的。Hardness is a strict teacher.
困難是一位嚴厲的導師。My tutor is an accomplished scholar.
我的導師是一位學識淵博的學者。My son’s tutor is a conscientious gentleman
我的兒子的導師是個正人君子。I should like to acknowledge my indebtedness and gratitude to my graduate study supervisors.
我想對培養我的研究生導師表示感謝。 I haven"t seen my tutor for the better part of a month!
我已經大半個月沒見到導師了!an excessively demanding and faultfinding tutor
一個過度苛刻和挑剔的導師Students may decide to seek tutorial guidance.

n. 私人教師;導師;助教
v. 當...的教師;輔導;指導

John tutored the child in English.
約翰輔導那孩子學英語。 They engaged a resident tutor.
他們聘用了一名住家的家庭教師。My tutor is an accomplished scholar.
我的導師是一位學識淵博的學者。A male teacher,schoolmaster,or tutor.
男老師、校長或家庭教師Programmed tutoring involves a human tutor working one on one with a learner.

n. 老師,教師

Experience is the teacher
經驗即良師They toasted their teacher.
他們舉杯向老師敬酒。His profession is a teacher || He is a teacher by profession
他的職業是教師She worked as a teacher(ie was a teacher)for many years
她當了許多年的教師.He is a teacher of a lower form.

相關內容: 導師用英文怎么說 勵普網


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