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機場用英文怎么說 機場的英文

2023-07-31 09:25:39來源:勵普網



Airport lounges
機場休息室I went to the airport to see Jenny off.
我去機場送珍妮。He took the airport bus to the city terminal.
他座機場的交通車到市區集散站。The airport authorities have promised to review their security measurements
機場當局已答應重新檢查他們的安全措施The airport was like a ghost town, the terminal was empty and eerily silent
機場像座鬼城,候機大樓空空蕩蕩,寂靜得可怕。A record message was played when the airport bus approached the terminal.
當機場班車接近終點時,播放了注意事項錄音。All the rooms in the hotel are double - glazed to reduce noise from the airport.
飯店里所有的房間都安裝了雙層玻璃窗以減少來自機場的噪音。A passageway,as in an airport terminal,through which passengers proceed for embarkation.
登機門一種通道,比如在機場終點,乘客通過它而登機But nothing fazes the duty operations supervisor for the Russian airline, Aeroflot, at Heathrow Airport
但是,什么事情也難不倒希思羅機場的這位俄羅斯航空公司值班業務總管。For example, a new 100,000 square meters passenger terminal has been constructed and the apron has been expanded.

n. 機場,航空站

terminal airport
終點航空站 airport configuration
飛機場構形 The company will provide transportation to the airport.
公司將提供通往機場的交通運輸。He will be at the airport to meet her.
他將去機場接她。They landed at a small airport.

相關內容: 機場用英文怎么說 勵普網


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