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指揮官的英文怎么說 參考例句

2023-07-27 09:34:46來源:勵普網



The commander called in the second battalion"s outposts.
指揮官下令第二營警戒部隊撤回。He sends a young guerilla named Andres with a message of warning for the Republican commander, General Golz.
他派遣一個名叫安德烈斯的年輕游擊隊員,給共和國軍隊指揮官戈爾茲將軍送去一封警報信。The commanding officer made a circuit of the camp.
指揮官在營地巡視一周。The commander decided to assault the enemy in the darkness.
指揮官決定夜襲敵軍。The commander has whistled up reinforcements
指揮官召來了增援部隊。You are the commander of naval vessels.
你是軍艦的指揮官。He is a tank commander.
他是個坦克指揮官。He is the commander of an expedition
他是遠征軍的指揮官。The army was arrayed before the commander.
部隊在指揮官前列好陣勢。The commander decided that discretion is the better part of valor.

n. 指揮官;海軍中校,副艦長

command sympathy
博得同情 the second in command
副司令員 commanding adj.
指揮的;威風凜凜的;居高臨下的 The program issued a command but the command length is incorrect.
程序發出命令,但命令長度不正確。This single command is equivalent to the two previous commands.

相關內容: 指揮官的英文怎么說 勵普網


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