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壞了的英文怎么說 壞了的英文

2023-06-21 09:57:31來源:勵普網


act up
go wrong
on the blink
out of action
out of commission

The telephone"s out of order.
電話機壞了。The air conditioner is out of order.
空調壞了。The vacuum cleaner is out of order.
吸塵器壞了。This train staff lamp is broken.
這個路簽燈壞了。My damn car has broken down!
我的混帳汽車壞了!The nib is broken, it can"t be used
這筆尖壞了,使不得了。Joe"s watch is broken.
喬的手表壞了。Fly in the ointment
一粒老鼠屎壞了一鍋湯The southeastern corner under the water tank entirely collapsed
水箱下東南角部分完全毀壞了。Don"t touch me, I"m pooped out.

n. 行為,行動;法案;法令;一幕,段;裝腔作勢
v. 行動;扮演;假裝;裝作;起作用,見效;舉動像

This is an act of depressing.
這是使人壓抑的行為。The act of disappointing.
使人失望的行為 We must act, we must act quickly.

adj. 錯誤的;不道德的;不適合的;不正常的
adv. 錯誤地
n. 壞事;不公正的事;錯誤
v. 無禮地對待;冤枉

Evidently you are in the wrong.
這分明是你的錯。 He is wrong by moral standards.
按道德規范,他錯了。The parcel was directed to the wrong address.

n. 閃爍,眨眼,瞬間,閃光
v. 眨眼,閃亮

You cannot blink [There is no blinking] the fact that there is a war.
你不能無視于戰爭存在的事實。The phrase `on the blink" in the sentence `The radio"s on the blink" is a colloquialism
在The radio"s on the blink一句中的on the blink這一詞組是口語用語.He blinks back to the present.

相關內容: 壞了的英文怎么說 勵普網


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