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補助的英文怎么說 補助的英文

2023-05-25 09:19:55來源:勵普網


(financial) subsidy

Input subsidy
投入補助Replanting complement grants by 10 yuan per MU.
補植補造按每畝10元進行補助。A small sail set in the stern of a yawl or similar boat.
補助帆,伸艉后桅帆小帆船或類似船只的船尾上的小裝置A maintenance allowance
生活補助津貼He qualified for a government grant.
他獲準享受政府補助。The allowances were for the benefit of the family as a whole.
這種補助金是對整個家庭的補助。studding sail
【航海】補助帆,翼帆special subsidies for agricultural construction in ThreeWest regions
“三西”農村建設專項補助資金Sickness benefit( Brit)money paid by the State to sb who is absent from work because of illness
病假補助(政府付給生病員工的錢)He was quizzed about his income, debts and eligibility for financial aid.

adj. 財政的,金融的

Financial Management Executive with nearly ten years of experience in banking and international trade, finance, investments and economic policy.
在銀行融資、國際貿易、金融、投資和經濟政策方面有近10年工作經驗的財務管理執行員。Article 22 An auto financing company shall adopt relevant accounting rules for financial institutions
第二十二條 汽車金融公司應當執行相關的金融企業財務會計制度。The Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration shall review the annual budget estimate and the financial statement presented by the Director-General and make recommendations thereon to the General Council. The annual budget estimate shall be subject to approval by the General Council.

n. 補助金,津貼

governmental subsidy
國庫補助金 Subsidy Agreement [Home Purchase Loan Scheme]
按揭還款補助金協議〔自置居所貸款計劃〕 This industry depends for its survival on government subsidies.

n. 允許;津貼;限額;折扣;零用錢

This agenda does not allow compromise.
這一議程容不得商量。Allow me to introduce myself.
允許我把我自己向你介紹。 The ship was dry and no liquor was allowed.

相關內容: 補助的英文怎么說 勵普網


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